N-COUNT 订货簿;订单量 When you talk about the state of a company's order book or order books, you are talking about how many orders for their goods the company has.
He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames. 他在泰晤士河边的造船厂订单充足。
He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames. 他在泰晤士河边的造船厂订单充足。
With its big order book, Yangzijiang will be under pressure to handle a steep ramp-up in deliveries. 在积压大量订单的情况下,扬子江船厂将面临赶工交货的压力。
And they like the fundamentals of Yangzijiang, China's largest nonstate-run shipbuilder by order book. 而且分析师很看好扬子江船厂的基本面,因为以订单计算该公司是中国最大的非国营造船厂。
We'd like to meet your requirements, but our order book is very full. 我们很愿意满足你们的需要,不过我们的货单已订得满满的了。
In the blue page at the back of your order book. 把你订货簿后面的蓝寄来。
Looking forward, our order book is solid, although the operating environment will remain dynamic. 展望未来,我们的订单很多,不过,经营环境将保持动态发展。
So the activity Order book from publisher is an optional activity, which is only executed when the condition Book not in stock is met. 所以“从出版商订书”是一个可选活动,它只有当满足“书籍没有库存”的条件时执行。
Lennie: well he told me that he expects his order book will soon be full. 彼得:是吗?这可奇怪,听说他的景况并不那麽好。
In consideration of the current order book status and a competitive market environment, the management maintains a cautious but confident view for a further strengthened golf equipment business going forward. 以目前订单状况及市场竞争环境而言,管理层对未来进一步强化高尔夫球棒业务,维持审慎而具信心的态度。
As a result of the strong interest shown in the Chinese e-commerce group it has decided to close the order book early for institutional investors in Asia and the US. 由于投资者对这家中国电子商务集团表现出的浓厚兴趣,该集团已决定提前结束亚洲和美国机构投资者的认购。
Detroit carmakers, German industrialists, Japanese electronics makers in fact, almost any manufacturer you care to mention would delight at such a modest fall in their order book. 底特律汽车制造商、德国工业企业、日本电子厂商,乃至你愿意费心提及的任何制造商,都会对订单数量呈现如此温和的下降感到欣慰。
This paper provides microstructure models of order-driven market to analyze the dynamic dependencies of order strategy, price formation and order book information. 本篇论文建构三个理论模型以讨论委讬单驱动市场的相关课题。
The order book is at the office. 命令书下达在办公署。
Siemens expects to raise its order book 10-fold in India from these redesigned products during the next decade to € 1bn a year. 西门子预期,未来十年,这些重新设计产品的订单将增加10倍,达到每年10亿欧元。
The company has a full order book. 该公司的货物被订购一空。
It has rapidly grown to become one of the largest shipyards in the world, and today has 84 vessels worth$ 6bn in its order book& three times the number of vessels the company has delivered to date, according to a statement. 该公司近年增长迅速,成为世界最大船厂之一。据一份声明称,目前拥有84艘船舶的订单(相当于该公司迄今交付的船舶数量的三倍),价值60亿美元。
If I can't understand what the hell the crew are trying to say, then all that money invested in advertising and marketing, slick paint jobs and a bulging order book for new aircraft means precious little. 如果我竟然听不懂机组人员说的话,那么所有投资在广告和营销、闪亮的机身喷涂和订购新飞机上面的大笔资金就都没什么意义了。
Using transactions data for A-share stocks in Shenzhen stock market, this paper studies market depths change after increased limit order book disclosure. 运用深圳证券交易所A股股票的交易数据,实证分析了指令簿透明度增加后市场深度的变化。
Dark pools allow the anonymous trading of large blocks of shares away from the "public order book" on an exchange or alternative trading platform. 暗资金池允许投资者在交易所或另类交易平台中的公众订单委托簿记(publicorderbook)之外,匿名进行大宗股票交易。
The prosperity of this industry depends upon a full order book. 这种工业的繁荣依赖于大批的订货。
We have a full order book for the coming year. 我们来年的订货簿已经记满了。
Is the sales forecast achievable, given the current order book and the customer statements? 销售预期可达到吗?看一看现在的预定本和客户表单。
People close to the situation insisted the company could still start trading by the end of the year, despite the fresh delay, because strong interest from cornerstone investors meant that much of the order book could already be covered. 知情人士坚称,尽管港交所又作出了推迟决定,但该公司仍有可能在年底前开始上市交易,因为基础投资者的浓厚兴趣意味着,可能大多数订单已有人认购。
While he spun out staff functions such as sales and marketing to regional offices, he insisted that logistics was run from Beijing allowing him to check the back order book daily and chase up slow workers. 尽管将销售和市场营销等部门业务都剥离给了地区办事处,但他仍坚持将物流部门放在北京使自己能每天检查待发货订单,鞭策效率低下的员工。
The order book for Airbus's short-to-medium-haul A320, for example, stretches into the2020s. 例如,空中客机的中短途机型A320的预定量已排至20年代。
The coloured pages in your order book. 你订货簿里的彩色张。
It manage the orders in the order book, such as canceling, changing, activating, and inactivating orders. 可以处理各种指令比如取消、改变、生效以及无效。
Uninformed traders can guess the value of private information by analyzing the order book and deal record. 不知情交易者可以通过分析指令簿和指令成交记录来猜测私有信息的价值。
Order book disclosure and tick size is an important part of market microstructure. 指令簿透明度和最小报价单位是市场微观结构的重要组成部分。